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In 2005 the Galveston Firefighters stepped forward to "Save the Children's Parade" by assuming the role of parade coordinator. The Firefighters felt that since the parades are the main attraction to Mardi Gras, and because the Children's Parade was the only Mardi Gras activity geared toward children, it was important to keep the tradition alive. The tradition of Firefighters helping children dates back to the beginning of the profession. It is, and will continue to be, the primary focus of firefighters.


Many parade participants are Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops, as well as other organizations and families from all over the Galveston-Houston area. The Mummers come from as far away as Philadelphia to participate in the parade. Each year there have been many decorated floats in the parade loaded with children dressed in theme costumes and throwing beads to the crowd. There also are approximately 150 "parade walkers" dressed in theme costumes, pulling wagons and throwing beads.


The parade awards 1st place trophies for Best Decorated Float to Theme, Costumed Group to Theme, Most Original Float, Most Animated Groups, and Best Youth Inspired. Individual medallions are also awarded for Best Decorated Non-Motorized Vehicle, Best Costumed Boy, Best Costumed Girl, and Best Decorated Group.


The costumes and the children's participation are the best part of this event. To see the children throwing beads and waving to the thousands of parade watchers is truly rewarding. Houston's WB 39 Television Station brought the event to a whole new level of interaction when they brought many costumed characters from their most popular television shows to the parade. WB 39 also helps promote the parade through television commercials, which results in parade attendance of approximately 50,000 spectators lining the streets along the parade route.


Parades are expensive to produce, and without the public's generous donations, this parade could not continue. Sponsor help is needed to assist the Firefighters in the endeavor of coordinating the Children's Parade. Corporate and Individual sponsor donations are being solicited and all help is greatly appreciated.

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